Sunday, August 25, 2013

Hello All...

My name is Kristine Pieczonka. I am school social worker in Buffalo, New York. I work for the Buffalo Public Schools; which I love! The teachers are great, the students are unique, diverse and wonderful! The days are filled with many different experiences and no day is ever the same (as I am sure many of you know!). Our district is very involved with PBIS, so you may hear me speak A LOT about that and the activities and ideas/paperwork that I am involved with/running that pertain to this. I'm sorry if this does not pertain to you, but if it does I'm sure you will appreciate what we are doing! We work closely with Kim Breen and Illinois PBIS to make our programs as rich and growth inspiring as possible (while still not breaking the bank!)

So, I have been reading all the many blogs of other counselors and social workers and have been so impressed with the ideas and suggestions that I thought I might give it a try. I also thought it might be therapeutic to talk about what I do and get some of my ideas out there. The summer has been hectic and I haven't had much time to try out many of the ideas that others have suggested though I have borrowed a few and am excited about them. I made the "Calm Down" Jars and and will talk about them below and also am going to try out the "BE Yourself" bulletin board; however school does not start until next week for me so you will have to wait with baited breath for how it turns out... :) 

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