Thursday, September 5, 2013

First day of school

Today was the first day of school. It was a whopper! Crazy as always, but wonderful too! I always enjoy the first day. It's great seeing all the new students and getting the welcome back hugs from those who can't wait to return! As you can see in the pictures we began our new attendance initiative called Ready Freddy. It is to encourage Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergartners to attend everyday. Too often we hear that they are not mandatory and therefore not necessary and this is soooo untrue! So, we were encouraging the kids by wearing our yellow Freddy shirts and hanging out with our life size Freddy (didn't get a picture with him-but I will next Friday at his next planned visit!). Also my intern was able to complete putting up the Be You bulletin board- it looks great!- see below. Thanks for reading!

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