Wednesday, September 4, 2013

My office for the year...

So... my office is finally almost done! The pictures don't do it justice; especially since I had to turn the overhead lights on in order to get good pictures.  I hate the overhead lights! I normally only use lamps. They offer a calm, relaxed atmosphere that is warm and inviting. The overhead lights also insight migraines, which I also suffer from, so I try my hardest to avoid turning them on. Anyways this not about the lights, but it is about setting up your space. I have two interns this year, so I needed to divide up my space so that they could see students (under my supervision), while I am also seeing students, all in the same space at the same time. This took some thought, space management and good sense. I divided the room into sections: couch area (comfy space with pillows and relaxation stuff- including music, calm down jars and bean bag frogs), my desk (not pictured), interns desk, student computer area (not pictured), group table, and younger child play area (rice table, doll house, and puppet theater). I hope that the students enjoy it as much as I think they will! :-)

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