Thursday, September 26, 2013

How to make a poster- Cheap!!!

I have the issue that so very often the poster I want either I can't find, is to expensive or just isn't quite right... so over the summer I decided to figure out how to make my own! It takes some time- I won't lie, but the end result is quite impressive! It is a two part process, one that you have to be comfortable with the computer and Microsoft Publisher and any online Poster printer- I used Vistaprint. I like their company. They do very nice work, have good coupons, ship for free often, have great customer service and usually get the posters to me before the estimated date. Vistaprint is great, but they only print the poster- you need Publisher to create the poster!
Step 1- Go to Vistaprint (or other poster making website) and in the search box type in poster. The first line is going to say Custom Poster- click on it! In the green box to the right determine which size poster that they offer you want to make. This is important because you are going to use the pre-determined size in Microsoft Publisher when creating your poster there. For this particular poster I used 11.25" x 17.3" (small size). It made a poster a little smaller than those usually purchased online but it was perfect for what I wanted. I also, in the past, have made the medium size (18"x 24"), which are the clock and Watch Your Attitude posters.
Step 2- After you have determined your size then you go back to Publisher and open a Blank Page Sizes- bottom right option is Create a Custom Page Size- choose this option and input your chosen size in Width and Height (17.3 & 11.25). On far bottom right press create.
Step 3- Choosing your picture. It is recommended that you choose a picture that is at least 1600 x 1200 pixels. I found the best way to find pictures that meet this expectation (if you are not taking them yourself on your own camera) is to Google images and then after your desired picture name, put 1600 x 1200 pixels. This will find you pictures that meet that requirement.
Step 4- After you have chosen you picture click on it to enlarge it, right click,"copy image" and then go back to publisher and right mouse click on the center of the blank page and "paste" it there. You can stretch by clicking on the picture until there is a little green dot at the top of the picture and then scroll over the corner dots until the double sided arrow shows up- left mouse click and drag it to the size you want. Once this is complete you can add a text box above in the "Insert" column and then add text if you life. Save this poster to your desktop as this makes it easier to find when you are moving it to Vistaprint for printing.
Step 5- Go back to Vistaprint and pick the size poster that you want (11.25 x 17.3) and pick "Upload a design".  The next box that will pop up is "Vertical or Horizontal". This depends on which way you made your poster in Publisher but I usually make mine horizontal.... "choose a file" (the one from your desktop). You are able to make changes within this area if there are things that you see that you would like to change but you can't change your original piece because you uploaded it as a single piece but you could add words or shrink the whole things etc... if you need to change any details you have the change the original and then upload it again. Click "Next". Click the box for Online Proof Approval and then click "next" again. If you haven't created an account or signed in, this is where it will ask you to do so now.
Step 6- Now you will just follow the steps of cashing out. I hope that you enjoy your new poster!

Here are some of the examples of ones I have made. I apologize for the lighting, the reflections are not great. The last time I made posters I made 8 of them for $50. This included shipping.

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